How to Answer the “Why Here” Supplement

How to Answer the “Why Here” Supplement

One of the most common supplemental essay questions that colleges ask of their applicant is some variation of the question “why are you applying here?”

Yale asks students in 125 words or fewer what it is about Yale that has led them to apply. Meanwhile the University of Chicago asks the same question this way, with no firm word limit: “How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.”

Successfully answering the “why here” prompt will require you to demonstrate adept knowledge of what makes that particular school special as well as how your goals align with its values. Though the temptation may be to write one relatively reusable answer about what you hope to study, the most successful applicants will take advantage of this opportunity to boost their candidacy by writing a supplement that could only apply to that school.

As you approach answering this prompt, consider our top three tips below to help propel your supplement forward.

Don’t Settle for Low-Hanging Fruit

The key to successfully answering a “why here” prompt is having strong evidence. The fact that you really, really want to go is not enough to persuade an admissions officer to advocate for you. Dig deep to identify compelling reasons why that university fits your needs.

Don’t settle for the easiest or first identifiable evidence you find. Regurgitating what you found on the homepage of the school’s website or that you found in a guidebook doesn’t show an advanced level of knowledge or interest. For example, spare your reader the US News ranking of the college or its student to faculty ratio. He or she will already have this information.

Try to think about how the evidence you select allows you to give reasons for your interest that only you can say. If many applicants could realistically point to the same class or statistic or tradition, it likely will not move your reader.

Focus on Substance over Gimmicks and Games

You might be tempted to infuse your essay with buzzwords you heard on the tour, taking the reader through a “day in the life” where you go from student center to dining hall talking up your experience, or imagining being among thousands of frenzied students cheering on the national championship caliber football team.

All these moments could make for wonderful small anecdotes if you have enough space, but they are no substitute for substantive reflection on your desired learning experience. Devote most of your word count and your energy to this focus.

Remember, admissions officers read this essay from every student who applies. You will almost certainly not be the only to mention the food or the name of the super cool a cappella group. To really create allies for yourselves among the admissions office, infuse your essay with strong evidence that prioritizes being thorough over being clever. Give a personalized look into how you will utilize the resources of the campus and community.

Align Your Interests with the College’s Values

What separates one good school from the next is often not the quality of education available but the values that institution holds at its core. Some will place a higher emphasize on collaboration or project-based learning. While others may focus on educating through the lens of a specific religious tradition.

Your answer to the “why here” supplement should demonstrate an understanding of the prevailing ethos of the school you’re applying to then connect your interests and passions to that perspective. For example, how might you approach studying your major considering the school’s heavy emphasis on community service? Or how might the college’s focus on independent research inspire you to take your own academic interests further than you might be able to elsewhere?

Align your goals to those of the college in question and you will create a clearer picture of why you are a match. But be careful here, as well, to go beyond lip service, spouting info from the school’s mission statement. Take time to learn and internalize the messages you read and draft your response from this framework. 

Answering the “why here” question persuasively can make or break the success of your application. Be sure to allow yourself the time you need to develop a highly personal, well-reasoned argument.

The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.

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