Finding Your Future: Crafting Balanced College Lists

by Wise World Prep

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With thousands of great schools to choose from, finding the “perfect” college is not as simple as selecting the top-ranked universities that offer your major. Crafting a list that gives you the best chance of being happy with your results takes time and research. How you approach putting your list together will set the stage for the rest of your application journey.  

We want to help you create a list of schools you will be excited to apply to and that offers you a healthy, balanced approach to college admissions. With more than 50 years of combined experience in admissions, high school counseling, and independent counseling, our team has supported hundreds of families through this process, from list building to matriculation.  

In this e-book, we have culled our best advice to help you navigate your own process. Within its pages you will find tips on establishing priorities when investigating schools, using digital resources to find what is truly unique about each college, narrowing your list to a manageable number, and much more.  

Use this resource to confidently apply to the universities best suited for you! 

Format: 20 page PDF download
ISBN: 978-1-947073-01-2
